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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000287GC StudioGCcodepublic2022-12-15 19:58
Reporterevanvennn Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Fixed in Version1.00.05 
Summary0000287: GCcode Now can show errors on libraries on Include and lowlevel folders.
DescriptionError in GCODE when an error happens in an existing library
When you compile it appears that the .h file within the include folder is found correctly and the compile completes as expected.
However if there is an error in the .h file, the compiler is unable to correctly find the source code to use when it comes time to show the line in the code with the error. It just pops up with a message to the effect file not found and a big X in the middle of the screen and prompting whether you want to create the missing file.
Steps To ReproducePut an error in usart.h...

Additional InformationI can change the compiler to output the full filename directory but it may be better for GCODE to open `lowlevel.dat` and see if the error filename is in this list and then open the file.

Your call how to fix.
TagsNo tags attached.



2022-10-18 12:44

administrator   ~0000119

I can add some functionality to the error report to tell you if this error line is a 'system include', but, it needs to ensure it does not break something else.

Like, this usart.h (139): Error: Syntax Error *

Where the * shows it is a 'system include'.

Would this make it less work ?


2022-10-20 06:49

administrator   ~0000124

You may decide that I have this method totally wrong. I think it will fail. The location of the include is not provided so you will have to test that the source is on `lowlevel` but if the error is in the `include` folder (one of the many .h) then new error message does not help.

I can... Add a new errorinclude,log with the full filename of the errant file?

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2022-10-18 12:32 evanvennn New Issue
2022-10-18 12:44 evanvennn Note Added: 0000119
2022-10-20 06:49 evanvennn Note Added: 0000124
2022-10-25 00:50 angel-spartan Status new => assigned
2022-12-02 23:53 angel-spartan Status assigned => resolved
2022-12-02 23:53 angel-spartan Resolution open => fixed
2022-12-02 23:53 angel-spartan Fixed in Version => 1.00.05
2022-12-02 23:53 angel-spartan Summary Error in GCODE when an error happens in an existing library => GCcode Now can show errors on libraries on Include and lowlevel folders.
2022-12-02 23:53 angel-spartan Description Updated
2022-12-15 19:58 angel-spartan Status resolved => closed