View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000285GC StudioGCstudiopublic2022-12-01 20:38
Reporterevanvennn Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version99.02.34 
Target Version99.02.35Fixed in Version99.02.35 
Summary0000285: New Helpers for GCODE
Description-> HSerSpace - [Optional byte value = Number of spaces] [,Optional byte value = Comport 1 to 5] | use as reference to right digit
-> HSerPrintLF1 - a Constant that will force the sending of a LF at the end of each USART transmission for USART1
-> HSerPrintCR1 - a Constant that will force the sending of a CR at the end of each USART transmission for USART1
-> HSerPrintLF2 - a Constant that will force the sending of a LF at the end of each USART transmission for USART2
-> HSerPrintCR2 - a Constant that will force the sending of a CR at the end of each USART transmission for USART2
-> HSerPrintLF3 - a Constant that will force the sending of a LF at the end of each USART transmission for USART3
-> HSerPrintCR3 - a Constant that will force the sending of a CR at the end of each USART transmission for USART3
-> HSerPrintLF4 - a Constant that will force the sending of a LF at the end of each USART transmission for USART4
-> HSerPrintCR4 - a Constant that will force the sending of a CR at the end of each USART transmission for USART4
-> HSerPrintLF5 - a Constant that will force the sending of a LF at the end of each USART transmission for USART5
-> HSerPrintCR5 - a Constant that will force the sending of a CR at the end of each USART transmission for USART5
Steps To ReproduceNone.
TagsNo tags attached.



2022-10-16 12:52

administrator   ~0000118

Please add before 235

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2022-10-16 12:52 evanvennn New Issue
2022-10-16 12:52 evanvennn Status new => assigned
2022-10-16 12:52 evanvennn Note Added: 0000118
2022-10-17 04:25 angel-spartan Status assigned => resolved
2022-10-17 04:25 angel-spartan Resolution open => fixed
2022-10-17 04:25 angel-spartan Fixed in Version => 99.02.35
2022-12-01 20:38 angel-spartan Status resolved => closed