Released 2024-04-11
0000396: [Library] TM1638_OEM.LIB.H conditional testing causing issues in compiler.
0000438: [GCstudio] Added Ngine Library, removed DBSEngine and Newtonsoft.Json dependency
0000440: [GCstudio] Purge of current update packages, for faster update time, minimum version requirement: v.1.01.02
0000441: [Compiler] Removal of change #1094 messaging in PIC ASM
0000443: [Compiler] Fix: Resolve #insert bug where the #insert is inserted within a TABLE.. END TABLE
0000449: [Chip Definition Files] Compiler fails says no EEprom
0000451: [Compiler] Error message issued when using GOSUB and multiple RETURNs
0000452: [Chip Definition Files] Add 18FxxQ20 and 18FxxQ24 EEPROM support
0000453: [General] CDF output files does not have a full list of the constant
0000454: [Chip Definition Files] Add automatic VDDIO3MD Support for 18FxxQ2x chip
0000455: [Compiler] Compiler not correctly handling # instructions when there is a leading white space.
0000456: [Compiler] Floats: Improve constant handling.
0000457: [Compiler] Improve debugging capability for floats
0000458: [Compiler] Implement error messages when no ASM is created for Floats maths
0000459: [General] Update Prefs Editor to support new INI capabilities
0000460: [Chip Definition Files] Add support for 18FxxQ20
0000461: [Compiler] Floats: Add SingleToString handler
0000462: [Compiler] FLOATS: Add ULONGINT math and constrain Single support to user program
0000463: [Compiler] Floats: Improve debugging of maths
0000464: [Compiler] Add/rationalise variable TOHEX() functions
0000465: [Compiler] FLOAT: Improve SingleToString capability
0000466: [Compiler] Floats: Improve string handling and clarify variable to HEX functions.
0000467: [Compiler] Floats: Resolve silent failures when using string function
0000468: [Compiler] Strings: Need to define consistent and common string handlers for all variables.
0000469: [Compiler] Floats: Add conditional support for 'equal' and 'lessthan'
0000471: [Compiler] Floats: Add INT() capability
0000472: [Compiler] Floats: Reduce memory requirement for compare functions.
0000474: [Compiler] Floats: Need to add divide and multiply capability
0000475: [Compiler] Floats: Add MOD() capability for single support
0000476: [Compiler] Debug: Add more debug to compiler to aid debugging
0000477: [Compiler] Float: Repeat-End Repeat accepts floats variable...when it should be integer only
0000478: [Compiler] Float: Select Case accepts float variable when it should only accept integer.
0000479: [Compiler] Floats: Preferences Editor needs to support INI management with respect to enabling Singles support.
0000480: [Compiler] Floats: Select Case improperly handles decimal constants.
0000481: [Compiler] Floats: Add support for float control via compiler directive.
0000482: [Compiler] Floats: Add additional inspection to ensure a decimal point exists in assignments.
0000483: [Compiler] Floats: Add additional stringTovariable type support.
0000484: [Compiler] Floats: Resolve silent failures when changing assignment variable type
0000485: [Compiler] ADC: Add syntax checking on ADC calls to ensure the constant is valid
0000486: [Compiler] Internal: Improve function handling
0000487: [Compiler] USART: HERSERGETSTRING function, only HERSERGETSTRING as sub exists
0000488: [General] Floats: Add IEEE 574 calculator
0000489: [Compiler] Debug: Add more debug to compiler to show automatic pin direction selection
0000490: [Compiler] Compiler: Trap silent failure like DIR PORTB0,1,2 OUT
0000491: [Compiler] Floats: Trap error when assigning HEX constant to Single variable.
0000492: [Compiler] Compiler: Fix mutliple bitwise silent faiure
0000493: [Programmers] USE.INI: AVRSASM not generating LST file.
0000494: [Compiler] Compiler: For-Next Loop
0000495: [GCstudio] Added button to download demonstrations pack on GC Studio main pannel
49 issues View Issues