GC Studio - Change Log
Released 2023-02-24
0000340: [PPS Tool] Add PIC18F24Q71, PIC18F25Q71, PIC18F26Q71, PIC18F46Q71 and PIC18F56Q71 XML files 0000341: [Library] Improved PWM lib. This will detect that CCP/PWM is not available and it will issue a warning, and, advice on how to resolve. 0000342: [SynWrite] FIX=> updates overwrites synwrite user configuration. 0000339: [Compiler] FIX: Compiler exits not completing the process. 0000338: [Compiler] Compiler Build #1220 0000336: [GCcode] Added *.PUM to CLEAN operation 0000337: [General] Formal release of PIC18FxxQ71 support
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