Released 2022-07-15
0000242: [GCstudio] Fix: CTRL-A doesn't work in the Project Name box
0000243: [GCcode] Fix: tasks.json does not tidy up all files.
0000244: [Library] Fix: USART fails when using USART2
0000245: [Programmers] Updated to AVRDUDES 2.14
0000246: [General] PPS Tool - issue reported to developer - Pete Everett []
0000247: [Chip Definition Files] Added new 16F series chip parts.
0000248: [GCstudio] Added #define #undefine #ifnot #insert to IntelliSenseGCB.json
0000249: [GCcode] added new 16F series parts to IntelliSenseGCB.json
0000250: [GCstudio] Removed first start file underscores on code
0000251: [Compiler] A set of changes – to resolve some long standing issues or omissions.[1384, 1385]
0000252: [Library] glcd_HX8347.h performance update only.[1392]
0000253: [General] PICINFO: Improved search experience. Search dialogs on tabs now support Enter and F3
0000254: [Compiler] Added support warning user that the DAT has not been tested.[1394]
0000255: [Compiler] Added informative .S replacement message when using USE.INI to manage .S source code.[1395]
0000256: [Compiler] Resolved PIC-AS reverse lookup to resolve case sensitive config statements.[1397]
0000257: [Compiler] Revised ASM output to show hex value of symbol locations.[1398]
0000258: [Compiler] Compiler Build 1157
17 issues View Issues