Released 2022-05-15
0000197: [Compiler] Fix: Resolves issue with LINUX case sensitive #INCLUDE statements
0000198: [Compiler] New: Enhanced handling of compiler/assembly messages for external tools like MPASM
0000199: [Compiler] New: Enhanced handling of compiler/assembly messages for external tools like MPASM with serial
0000200: [Chip Definition Files] Fix: Updated the GetChipData source to correctly handle chips with 64bytes of RAM. There we errors across a series of chips.
0000201: [GCstudio] Redesigned Updater UI, now tells user to wait for update to finish. will be visible on the next update.
0000202: [GCstudio] Added post updater function to be able of service the update core.
0000203: [GCcode] Changed the version variables from decimal to doubles to prevent a strange bug on some OS that prevented the start of GC Studio
0000204: [GCstudio] Deprecated the use of CurrentVersion.nfo, from now, it is hard coded on the assembly.
8 issues View Issues