View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000318GC StudioGCcodepublic2023-02-23 21:39
Reporterevanvennn Assigned To 
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version1.00.06.2 
Target Version1.00.07Fixed in Version1.00.07 
Summary0000318: Updated TM1637/TM1638 Helpers released by developer
DescriptionUpdated TM1637/TM1638 Helpers - we need to change GCCode to use this set of helpers.

-> tmSndDec (Value, [Optional position{Disp_Len}], [Optional number of digits{Disp_Len}]) |- TM1637/1638 OEM Lib: Disp. value as decimal (Max. value 999999)
-> tmSndHex (Value, [Optional position{Disp_Len}], [Optional number of digits{Disp_Len}]) |- TM1637/1638 OEM Lib: Disp. value as Hex (Max. value 16777215)
-> tmSndDig (byte value, position )|- TM1637/1638 OEM Lib: Send 1 raw byte to Disp. *
-> tmSndStr ("Text", [Optional buffer name{DispBuf}], [Optional send buffer On/Off {On}])|- TM1637/1638 OEM Lib: Disp. String (Set TMscroll = On for long strings)
-> tmSndChr ("chr", position)|- Send 1 alphanumeric character to TM1637/1638
-> tmChrBuf ("chr", position, [Optional buffer name{DispBuf}])|- Load display buffer with 1 ASCII character
-> tmDecBuf (Value, [Optional position{Disp_Len}], [Optional number of digits{Disp_Len}], [Optional buffer name{DispBuf}]) | TM1637/1638 OEM Lib: - Load display buffer with Decimal digits
-> tmHexBuf (Value, [Optional position{Disp_Len}], [Optional number of digits{Disp_Len}], [Optional buffer name{DispBuf}]) | TM1637/1638 OEM Lib: - Load display buffer with Hex digits
-> tmSegBuf (digit number, segment number, On/Off, [Optional buffer name{DispBuf}], [Optional send digit {Off}]) | - TM1637/1638 OEM Lib: Set segment in display buffer [send option{Off}]
-> tmSndBuf ([Optional position{Disp_Len}], [Optional number of digits{Disp_Len}], [Optional buffer name{DispBuf}]) | - TM1637/1638 OEM Lib: Send display buffer *
-> tmFlashDsp Flash display | TM1637/1638 OEM Lib: - Flash display
-> tmFlashDig (Digit number, [Optional number of digits{1}], [Optional Buffer name{DispBuf}]) | - TM1637/1638 OEM Lib: Flash digit(s) Buffer must be current
-> tmFlashSeg (Digit number, Segment number, [Optional Buffer name{DispBuf}]) | - TM1637/1638 OEM Lib: Flash segment Buffer must be current
-> tmCLRbuf ([Optional position{Disp_Len}], [Optional number of digits{Disp_Len}], [Optional buffer name{DispBuf}]) | - TM1637/1638 OEM Lib: Clear display buffer
-> tmCLRdisp Clear all display | TM1637/1638 OEM Lib - Clear all display digits
-> tmCtrlSnd Send Control Byte | TM1637/1638 OEM Lib - Send TM1637/1638 Control Byte *
-> tmGetKey Read Button/Key press | TM1637/1638 OEM Lib - Get Key pressed, Button Number set in 'TM_ButnVal1' Var *
-> tmScrlBuf (Array name, [Optional Buffer name{DispBuf}]) | - TM1637/1638 OEM Lib: Scroll Buffer
-> tmSetLED (LED Num, On/Off) | - TM16338 OEM Lib: Set LED 1~16 ON or Off

-> TM_1637/1638_OEM_Lib-Variables - Settings/Options list... | Following is a list of Variables to set for TM1637/1638_OEM_Cmd_Lib.h
-> TM_DispLen - (byte constant) TM1637/1638 Digit Length of 7seg display | use as reference to right digit
-> TM_6dReMap (bit var) TM1637 Remap for 6d module (with swapped pins) | TM_6dReMap = On/Off {default = Off}
-> TM_Blank0 - (bit var) TM1637/1638 Enable zero Blanking | TM_blank0 = On/Off {default = ON}
-> TM_Bright - (byte var) TM1637/1638 Set LED brightness | TM_bright = Value (0 - 7) {default = 0}
-> TM_Disp - (bit var) Set TM1637/1638 display On or Off | TM_disp = On/Off {default = ON}
-> TM_dpPos - (byte var) TM1637/1638 Position of DecimalPoint | TMdpPos = Value (1 - 6){default = 0} 0 = off
-> TM_FlashRate - (byte var) TM1637/1638 Set Flash Rate | TM_FlashRate = Value (1 - 255) {default = 100} val*4ms eg. 100 = 400ms
-> TM_Scroll - (bit var) TM1637/1638 Scroll long strings | TM_Scroll = On/Off {default = Off}
-> TM_ScrollRate - (byte var) TM1637/1638 Set scroll speed | ScrollSpd = Value (1 - 255){default = 75} val*4ms eg. 100 = 400ms
-> TM_ButnVal1 - (byte var) TM1637/1638 Button pressed value | Set by tmGetKey (1 - 16/24) & TM_ButnVal2 for TM1638
-> TM_KeyChk - (bit var) TM1637/1638 Enable check keypress in TM_FlashRate | TM_KeyChk = On/Off {default = Off}
-> TM_LEDs - (byte constant) TM1637/1638 buffer use for discrete LED's |
-> TM_STB - (byte var) TM1638 strobe pin select | Select Display to use, TM_STB = Value (1 - 4)
-> TM_DispBuf - (byte array) TM1637/1638 Display Buffer | 7seg digit values (0 - 255)
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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2022-12-30 08:18 evanvennn New Issue
2023-01-03 06:29 angel-spartan Status new => resolved
2023-01-03 06:29 angel-spartan Resolution open => fixed
2023-01-03 06:29 angel-spartan Product Version =>
2023-01-03 06:29 angel-spartan Fixed in Version => 1.00.07
2023-02-23 21:39 angel-spartan Status resolved => closed